“Ingrown Hairs” happen when the hair curls back into the skin instead of coming straight out the follicle. Not only it causes redness, but penetration of hairs back into the skin leads to misguiding reaction in which body's immune system treat ingrown hairs as alien matter and in the process overreacts by attacking hair produces inflammatory papules and pustules that resemble acne. Another drawback is the ingrown hairs tend to recur.Some people are more prone to get ingrown hairs this varies from individual to individual depending on the hair density and thickness.People affected with diabetes varicose veins and poor circulation problems are more susceptible to ingrown hairs infections.
- Exfoliating and regular scrubbing - You should not exfoliate with in 48 hours of waxing after that gently exfoliate with only mild to keep dead skin cells out of the follicle. The exfoliation will help the hairs in growing up instead of trapping into skin.
- The scrubs or the passage of a loofah in the shower help eliminate dead cells and open pores of the skin. In the end, thinner and more flexible, the skin is more easily penetrated by the hairs that grow back. It is recommended to do this 2-3 times a week after hair removal, either during regrowth.
- Apply a cream containing "Salicylic acid"- Salicylic acid soften the skin, which also favors the elimination of dead cells and thus the penetration of hair.
Do not sunbathe after a hair removal as UV have the effect of thickening the skin.
- Start Shaving with an electric razor or a straight razor with only one or two blades. If you shave too close, the cut hairs will snap back below the skin, which increases the chances of ingrown hairs.
- Apply thick layer of shaving gel and wait for 1-2 minutes to let your hair soften.
- Shave with the direction of grain - Like if you are shaving your legs and your hairs grows downwards then shave downwards, so as not to encourage the regrowth of hair in the opposite direction.
- Antiseptic lotion after each shave is recommended because it will reduce the chances of ingrown hair infection.
- Make sure you follow directions carefully and prepare your skin before and after applying wax.
Ingrown hair after waxing happens because most often hair breaks above or below the skins surface instead of removing entire hair from the follicle.So the new hair that grows is blunt and sharp which can enter back into the skin and is responsible for formation of red pimples called papules.
- Bikini line hair removal If you have Ingrown hairs on your legs or bikini line,then avoid tightly-fitting clothing for a few days so that the friction from the fabric does not aggravate your skin even more also Tight clothes can irritate freshly epilated areas and can also encourage accumulation of dead skin cells in those areas.
Until their complete disappearance, it should then be cleaned with an antiseptic lotion or antibiotic lotion a better two times a day. If despite all these precautions, ingrown hairs persist, we must bring them out with tweezers. It is necessary to disinfect the clamp first with alcohol, and the skin immediately after surgery. If the area is painful, apply a compress of warm water.
Against ingrown hairs, the radical solution is laser hair removal.
In case of frequent recurrences of hair ingrown, the only effective solution is permanent laser hair removal . By the second session, the hairs will not grow under the skin and after 5-6 sessions, the hairs have completely disappeared.
How to prevent ingrown hairs?
- Exfoliating and regular scrubbing - You should not exfoliate with in 48 hours of waxing after that gently exfoliate with only mild to keep dead skin cells out of the follicle. The exfoliation will help the hairs in growing up instead of trapping into skin.
- The scrubs or the passage of a loofah in the shower help eliminate dead cells and open pores of the skin. In the end, thinner and more flexible, the skin is more easily penetrated by the hairs that grow back. It is recommended to do this 2-3 times a week after hair removal, either during regrowth.
- Apply a cream containing "Salicylic acid"- Salicylic acid soften the skin, which also favors the elimination of dead cells and thus the penetration of hair.
Do not sunbathe after a hair removal as UV have the effect of thickening the skin.
How to prevent ingrown hairs after shaving?
- Start Shaving with an electric razor or a straight razor with only one or two blades. If you shave too close, the cut hairs will snap back below the skin, which increases the chances of ingrown hairs.
- Apply thick layer of shaving gel and wait for 1-2 minutes to let your hair soften.
- Shave with the direction of grain - Like if you are shaving your legs and your hairs grows downwards then shave downwards, so as not to encourage the regrowth of hair in the opposite direction.
- Antiseptic lotion after each shave is recommended because it will reduce the chances of ingrown hair infection.
How to prevent ingrown hairs after waxing?
- Make sure you follow directions carefully and prepare your skin before and after applying wax.
Ingrown hair after waxing happens because most often hair breaks above or below the skins surface instead of removing entire hair from the follicle.So the new hair that grows is blunt and sharp which can enter back into the skin and is responsible for formation of red pimples called papules.
- Use a washcloth or soft-bristled toothbrush and massage the bikini area gently, in a circular motion, before shaving or waxing.
- The more you wax the less is the chances of you will have ingrown hairs because with time the hair follicles weakens and makes the hair easier to remove as the hair gradually becomes more finer.
- Bikini line hair removal If you have Ingrown hairs on your legs or bikini line,then avoid tightly-fitting clothing for a few days so that the friction from the fabric does not aggravate your skin even more also Tight clothes can irritate freshly epilated areas and can also encourage accumulation of dead skin cells in those areas.
Until their complete disappearance, it should then be cleaned with an antiseptic lotion or antibiotic lotion a better two times a day. If despite all these precautions, ingrown hairs persist, we must bring them out with tweezers. It is necessary to disinfect the clamp first with alcohol, and the skin immediately after surgery. If the area is painful, apply a compress of warm water.
Against ingrown hairs, the radical solution is laser hair removal.
In case of frequent recurrences of hair ingrown, the only effective solution is permanent laser hair removal . By the second session, the hairs will not grow under the skin and after 5-6 sessions, the hairs have completely disappeared.