An ingrown hair is a hair that starts to grow back in to follicle and if left untreated, it can cause major irritation and infection overtime. An ingrown hair is also any hair that fails to grow out of the follicle and remains trapped in the skin. Even though ingrown hairs are quite common in people that have curly hair, its occurrence can actually happen to any person in any part of the body whether it is the face, arms, neck, or legs. The main issue with ingrown hairs is how to properly avoid them and how to treat them when they appear in any part of the body, it is strongly recommended to always treat ingrown hairs as soon as possible in order to prevent infection, reduce pain, discomfort and the unpleasant feeling to be exposed with an ingrown hair to the public eye.
The most common cause of ingrown hair is shaving followed by waxing techniques and wearing tight clothing. There are many times when ingrown hair can appear without shaving or any other form of external intervention, this cause being primarily attributed to genetics factors, weather, skin sensitivity and irritation. There are countless ways to prevent and treat ingrown hairs some of which are highly effective in completely eliminating them while others provide an instant but temporary relief into the itchiness and painful sensation.
Infected ingrown hair is primarily caused by the lack of treatment of the hair when it is itchy and is causing pain. It is important to consider these symptoms in recently shaved or waxed areas of the body to notice if there are any red bumps caused by the shaving or waxing techniques used periodically. Infection can become troublesome when there is the presence of blood within the hair follicle. The chance of getting an ingrown hair infection will be reduced when the following forms of treatment, commonly called ingrown hair home remedies, are practiced frequently. These forms of treatment can also be practiced in order to avoid developing ingrown hairs in the future.
The first and most important step in this process is to exfoliate the skin area where the ingrown hair is present. Exfoliating creams and lotions are recommended since they soften, clean and remove all dead skin cells, dirt and any other clogging substance that may be preventing the hair to come out of the follicle. Consider exfoliating the affected area in a gently fashion for several days until the hair becomes visible and ready to be removed with other steps that we will discuss shortly.
As the second procedure in the treatment process, it is recommended to combine acne medication along with exfoliating creams in order to reduce the swelling and pain. By using these two techniques simultaneously, you will be able to expand the space along the hair in order to make it more open instead of more enclosed; this way the hair will have enough space to come out instead of curling up and going back into the follicle.
After these two steps are completed, it is recommended to moist the affected area where the hair is located with a damp washcloth that has been immersed with hot water. This moisture will soften the surrounding skin as well as the ingrown hair to aid the process of removal. The next procedure involves the actual removal of the hair itself. You can use tweezers, a sterile needle or any other device to gently take out the ingrown end of the hair out of the skin. Be aware to use precaution in not damaging the skin and to properly grab the ingrown end of the hair when it is ready to come out after following all the steps already mentioned.
Once the ingrown hair has successfully come out, it is recommended to wash the area with warm water and apply moisturizer soap in order to avoid any other potential infection or future development of another ingrown hair. The daily use of a lotion or an exfoliator is also recommended to keep the area as clean and healthy as possible to prevent any other ingrown hair condition in the future.
These steps are the main components of the typical home remedy for the treatment and removal of an ingrown hair in any part of the body. There are also many other home remedies that you can take in order to prevent the development of ingrown hairs in any part of your body. A basic overview of these home remedies is listed below:
- You can use salt mixed with any moisturizer as an exfoliating solution to treat the affected area where the ingrown hair is located.
- Your affected skin areas need to be silky smooth in order to remove the ingrown hairs. You can use sugar mixed with moisturizer creams and essential oils that specifically fight ingrown hairs in the skin.
- The Ayate Washcloth cleanses any body part and acts as an exfoliating solution to intensify the process of softening. Its results become visible after its continuous daily use for a couple of weeks.
- Another effective home remedy is to use an Aspirin Mask. This mask consists of the following ingredients and can applied to the affected area by following these steps:
• Crush three to four uncoated aspirin tablets and mix it in a bowl with hot water, 1 tablespoon of honey, and ½ tablespoon of jojoba oil.
• Thoroughly mix the solution so that the solution is well mixed in its own; the mixture is meant to be thin and not thick.
• Apply the mixture in the affected skin areas, gently scrub it and let it dry for about ten to fifteen minutes. Once it is completely dry you can remove it with warm water, making sure all the solution is completely removed and washed off with warm water and dried with a towel.
There is no need to worry and become tormented with an ingrown hair on your skin. By diligently following these steps consisting of the most common home remedies, you can easily take off your ingrown hair in a matter of minutes and treat the affected area in less than one week. Keep trying if this process fails for some reason; it is important to be persistent and start with the end in mind with any kind of home remedy.
Most common cause of Ingrown hair
Infected ingrown hair is primarily caused by the lack of treatment of the hair when it is itchy and is causing pain. It is important to consider these symptoms in recently shaved or waxed areas of the body to notice if there are any red bumps caused by the shaving or waxing techniques used periodically. Infection can become troublesome when there is the presence of blood within the hair follicle. The chance of getting an ingrown hair infection will be reduced when the following forms of treatment, commonly called ingrown hair home remedies, are practiced frequently. These forms of treatment can also be practiced in order to avoid developing ingrown hairs in the future.
Ingrown hair removal
The first and most important step in this process is to exfoliate the skin area where the ingrown hair is present. Exfoliating creams and lotions are recommended since they soften, clean and remove all dead skin cells, dirt and any other clogging substance that may be preventing the hair to come out of the follicle. Consider exfoliating the affected area in a gently fashion for several days until the hair becomes visible and ready to be removed with other steps that we will discuss shortly.
As the second procedure in the treatment process, it is recommended to combine acne medication along with exfoliating creams in order to reduce the swelling and pain. By using these two techniques simultaneously, you will be able to expand the space along the hair in order to make it more open instead of more enclosed; this way the hair will have enough space to come out instead of curling up and going back into the follicle.
After these two steps are completed, it is recommended to moist the affected area where the hair is located with a damp washcloth that has been immersed with hot water. This moisture will soften the surrounding skin as well as the ingrown hair to aid the process of removal. The next procedure involves the actual removal of the hair itself. You can use tweezers, a sterile needle or any other device to gently take out the ingrown end of the hair out of the skin. Be aware to use precaution in not damaging the skin and to properly grab the ingrown end of the hair when it is ready to come out after following all the steps already mentioned.
Once the ingrown hair has successfully come out, it is recommended to wash the area with warm water and apply moisturizer soap in order to avoid any other potential infection or future development of another ingrown hair. The daily use of a lotion or an exfoliator is also recommended to keep the area as clean and healthy as possible to prevent any other ingrown hair condition in the future.
Typical Home remedies for ingrown hair
These steps are the main components of the typical home remedy for the treatment and removal of an ingrown hair in any part of the body. There are also many other home remedies that you can take in order to prevent the development of ingrown hairs in any part of your body. A basic overview of these home remedies is listed below:
- You can use salt mixed with any moisturizer as an exfoliating solution to treat the affected area where the ingrown hair is located.
- Your affected skin areas need to be silky smooth in order to remove the ingrown hairs. You can use sugar mixed with moisturizer creams and essential oils that specifically fight ingrown hairs in the skin.
- The Ayate Washcloth cleanses any body part and acts as an exfoliating solution to intensify the process of softening. Its results become visible after its continuous daily use for a couple of weeks.
- Another effective home remedy is to use an Aspirin Mask. This mask consists of the following ingredients and can applied to the affected area by following these steps:
• Crush three to four uncoated aspirin tablets and mix it in a bowl with hot water, 1 tablespoon of honey, and ½ tablespoon of jojoba oil.
• Thoroughly mix the solution so that the solution is well mixed in its own; the mixture is meant to be thin and not thick.
• Apply the mixture in the affected skin areas, gently scrub it and let it dry for about ten to fifteen minutes. Once it is completely dry you can remove it with warm water, making sure all the solution is completely removed and washed off with warm water and dried with a towel.
There is no need to worry and become tormented with an ingrown hair on your skin. By diligently following these steps consisting of the most common home remedies, you can easily take off your ingrown hair in a matter of minutes and treat the affected area in less than one week. Keep trying if this process fails for some reason; it is important to be persistent and start with the end in mind with any kind of home remedy.